14 Ekim 2009 Çarşamba

Web Design - What makes them click?

  • If we think that information is hard to come by, then we see that information as being more valuable.
  • Social validation and scarcity work together
  • If we think a lot of other people liked the cookies and that there aren’t many cookies left,
    it creates an even stronger pull to action. Thats why we prefer iphone to use.
  • If we see the phrase, “only two left in your size” or “only one left in stock,” we feel that we’d better hurry up and make the purchase before they are all gone.
  • Time can be used to convey scarcity at a Web site. The phrase, “For a limited
    time only,” creates the same scarcity efect.
  • If something is scarce, it will seem more desirable and more valuable to us.
    Showing a limited quantity in stock, or a limited time frame that something is
    available, invokes scarcity. Scarcity motivates us to act.
    Not only products can be scarce. Access to information might be hard to get,
    and therefore will make that information seem more valuable to us as well.
We say we want a lot of choices, but the reality is that when we have a lot of choices, we can’t decide.

Lots of choices will grab our attention, but too many choices overwhelm us—to the point where we likely won’t buy at all.

For the mid brain, it’s all about immediacy. If the Web site can’t promise it
immediately, the next best thing is to let us know it will be there very soon.
Notice that in the message that follows, there is immediacy about when it will
be delivered (tomorrow) and when you should order it (in the next 19 minutes).

The old brain is engaged if there is choice decision that involves contrast. The
old brain is looking for basics. Big versus small; expensive versus inexpensive.
It will make instant decisions about good and bad based on contrast.

Order Effect is the effect that makes people choose the first choice generally if they have the equal choices.

The old brain is constantly scanning the environment looking for any changes that signal danger, food, or sex.

We pay attention to anything that happens when we are in an emotionally arousing situation. We also remember it more deeply.

The old brain cares about you. It cares about protecting you, feeding you, and helping you to reproduce. If you want to grab someone’s attention, you need to get the attention of the old brain by having something change, by showing food, by implying sex, or by using the word you.

We tell ourselves stories about ourselves. We have “self-personas.”

8 Ekim 2009 Perşembe

The American Dream

Özgürlükler ülkesi Amerikadan bazı bilgilerr:
50 milyon insanın sağlık sigortası yok.
Devlet hastane masraflarını Çalı Bey sağolsun ödemiyor.
Masraflarını ödeyemeyecek insanları hastane kabul etmiyor.
Hastalara alıcakları hizme için seçim şansı tanınıyor. Bir vatansaşın kopan iki parmağına 12.000 ve 60.000 USD dolar faturalanıyor adamcağız tek parmağına kavuşabiliyor.
Sigorta şirketleri kanser, kalp, yüksek tansiyon gibi hastaların poliçelerini yenilemiyor.
Bir sürü hastalığın ödemelerini abuk subuk sebeplerle ödemiyor.
Hastalar için eve ambulans yollanmıyor.
Alın size Amerikan Rüyası..

İngilterede ise manzara çok farklı, aile hekimleri aylık 80.000 pound kazanıyor, işleri sadece hastaları ile ilgilenmek, sigorta şirketini aramak zorunda değiller. Hastalarında iyileşme gözlenirse ekstra ödeme alıyorlar, hastaneler tamamen ücretsiz, hatta sevklerde kurumlar size ödeme yapıyorlar.

Fransa da durum benzer, sağlık hizmetleri ücretsiz, bırakın onu yeni doğum yapan kadınların evine yardımcı gönderiyor hükümet. İzinler vs de cabası.

Ama filmlerde gösterilen Amerika bu değildi ki bize arkadaşlar, değil mi ?

Kaynak: Sicko Belgeseli - İzlenmesi şiddetle tavsiye olunur.